Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mymama's Birthday Weekend

We celebrated Mymama's 74th birthday this past weekend. (Mymama is my Dad's mother.) We had most of her family together on Saturday night at my Uncle David's house. We had steak, fried shrimp, scallops, and plenty of other sides for supper. We had a crowd! I spent Saturday night with Mymama and went to church with her. We ate at the Mexican restaurant for lunch on Sunday, and she loved her fried ice cream! Mymama is very special to me, and it is always fun to spend time with her!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Times...

We spent last weekend in Statesboro & Claxton with family. Jane drove up from St. Augustine, and we all went to the Georgia Southern football game on Saturday.

Beckham enjoyed the game!

My Dad is the official clock operator for the Georgia Southern home football games, so we were able to get a picture with him at half time.

Georgie is still trying to figure Beckham out. He gets pretty jealous when Scott holds him!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Aunt & Uncle Again!

Congratulations to my sister Julianna & Chris! They are expecting their first child in May. Scott & I will have another niece or nephew! We are very excited for them and praying for a safe pregnancy and healthy baby. This is the first ultrasound picture.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Marathon Training Update

The blog has been pretty quiet lately, but I promise we'll try to update a little more frequently. I thought this would be as good a time as any to post a little update on my marathon #2 training. I mentioned before that I'm using a different training program this time around. Last year I used Hal Higdon's Novice plan. This year I'm using a hybrid of his two Intermediate plans. There's a good bit more mileage in this plan, it schedules five runs per week versus four, and the distance of the long runs ramps up much quicker. Here's a little comparison of my training to date this year versus last year (through October 16):

2008 Total Miles Run: 102
2009 Total Miles Run: 120

2008 Longest Run to Date: 10 miles
2009 Longest Run to Date: 14 miles

2008 Most Miles in a Week to Date: 19 miles
2009 Most Miles in a Week to Date: 32 miles

2008 Average Run Length: 5.2 miles
2009 Average Run Length: 5.8 miles

I'll try to update the comparisons every few weeks. As an overall comparison, in my training last year I ran a total of 444 miles before the marathon. This year I should hit 444 miles in week 14 and should hit about 575 miles overall. Most marathon training plans work with the philosophy that improved performance comes primarily in increased training volume. My planned volume isn't even close to serious marathoners, but we'll see if it helps me finish faster than last year!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Georgie...

Georgie turned 2 years old last Friday. He is growing up fast! He got a haircut on his birthday, so he is really cute.

Georgie loves to look out the windows at our house. I was having a hard time getting him to look at the camera.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This is nuts...

You've probably heard about the gas shortage in Atlanta over the last week or so. I've got a marginal understanding of why this has happened, and I believe that part of the cause of these long lines at the gas pumps is the "anti-gouging" rules in effect. When prices go up, people don't feel obligated to top off their tank when its 3/4 full, so there's more gas available. Supply and Demand. It is a basic economic principle. Regardless...the two times I've had to fill up in the last week-and-a-half, I've gone early in the morning, pulled right up to a pump and filled up. I haven't experienced anything like this (it is video of a line at a gas station in Alpharetta)...

Hopefully this is coming to an end this week!