Thursday, June 26, 2008

Things That Bug Me At The Gym #2

Way back when I first started my marathon training I wrote a post about things that bug me at the gym. Since I was in the gym several days a week, I intended to write about a number of observations that really irritate me at the having 3 or 4 treadmills out of order. I don't think I ever got past that first post, but now that I'm back in the gym more regularly (training for the Peachtree and considering another marathon run), I am constantly reminded about the little things in the gym that really bug me. So here is #2.

Treadmill racers. I am, by no means, a super fast runner. I'm not sure I'd even consider myself a regular fast runner. But I do try to do a couple of fast workouts each week at the gym in order to build leg strength and speed. It is inevitable that whenever I am doing one of these speedwork sessions, some dude will hop on the treadmill next to me, glance over at my display and then immediately set his treadmill at 0.1 or 0.2 MPH fast than mine.

And of course, as I increase my speed throughout the workout I can see him out of the corner of my eye looking over at my display and increasing his speed about 30 seconds later. Really? Am I supposed to be impressed, or intimidated? As the kids say...whatever. Just do your own thing. I'm not racing you on the treadmill.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Someone has to ruin the curve!

You should already know that Joy is finishing up her grad school work this summer, and she's in Athens four days a week taking four different classes. She has been working really hard and studying a LOT, and as you can see here (click on the photo for the full size version), it is paying off. At least it did on this day!

Just don't ask her what she made on her first test!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back in Training

With the arrival of the Peachtree Road Race numbers, I figured it was time to get serious again about running and getting ready. I am also giving some serious thought to running the Disney Marathon again next year, and if I do I want to do more than just finish so I'm going to start training now and building mileage.

This morning I rode over to the west side of town...or East put a 9-mile run in with Carlos and Heather. It has been awhile since I've put in a run that long, but it felt pretty good. Carlos and Heather are planning to run a marathon later this year.

I never blogged about it, but I finally did get my Garmin watch, and I love it. It uploads the training information to our computer wirelessly, and the software will plot out the course in Google Maps or Google Earth. Pretty cool. Here's the route we ran this morning...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Peachtree Numbers are Here!

Fourth of July...
Peachtree Street...
55,000 People...
World's Largest 10K Road Race...

We'll be there. Up towards the front. Running with the masses.

Who else is in?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby News!

Nope...not us. What were you thinking?

Congrats to Inman and April on the birth of little Houston #2 on Wednesday June 11. Logan weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds-9 ounces, and apparently April's epidural never kicked in. She's a tough one, for sure! Read all about it here.

Congrats, bro!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Call Homeland Security...We've been attacked!

We were at the beach last week with my family (post and pictures coming soon). On our way home, we were the intended victims of an apparent suicide attack by Al Qaenary.

Driving down the highway a saw I streak of yellow flash in front of our car, but I thought it was just a large butterfly. Much to my surprise, when we stopped a little while later I discovered the truth. It was a suicide attack...

They say that sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug. I'm just glad that on this day I was the windshield. And no, the cleanup wasn't fun.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Look what I got in the mail!

This is what it says on the back...

"Jury duty is one of the highest duties of citizenship. Your service will give you and opportunity to learn about Gwinnett County's court system and allow you to see the county's trial court operate. While it may require some adjustment of your normal schedule and routine to serve as a juror, the judges hope that any inconvenience will be minimal and they thank you, in advance, for your sacrifice and effort."

I am actually quite excited about it. I was called for Jury Duty a number of years ago when I was in college and actually got to sit on a jury for two days in an assault and robbery case. Some young lady tried to rob another woman at a post office using a toy gun. When the victim realized the gun was not real, she resisted and the perp gave her a beat down. We found her guilty.

I look forward to participating in one of the "highest duties of citizenship."

First Day of School

Just when all of the kids are getting out for summer vacation, Joy is "celebrating" the first day of school! Summer grad school, that is. We made sure that she had all of the required supplies: pencils, paper, scissors, glue...

So for the next six weeks, Joy will be heading up to Athens four days a week. Hopefully, at the end of these six weeks she'll have completed all of her degree requirements and have her Masters Degree in Music Education.

Good luck, sweetheart!