Wednesday, December 24, 2008

From Our Home to Yours...

Merry Christmas Eve! Just wanted to share our Christmas decorations with you...

Our Front Door
Scott's Christmas Tree- It was originally his Grandmother's tree.

One of many vases of ornaments...Thank goodness for plastic ornaments!

Willow Tree Nativity
Our Entertainment Center decorated for Christmas
Our Nativity that we bought when we were in Bethlehem two years ago-

The stockings are hung..

Merry Christmas!

Scott & Joy

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Look Back at 2008

There are so many things that happen in a year's time. We are so grateful for another year full of so many blessings. As we come to the end of 2008, I am once again so thankful for God's faithfulness and love.
Fall at Stone Mountain
Our Precious Nephew- Beckham Gregg Jarrard born on September 14, 2008
Grandma's Funeral- Bull Creek Baptist Church
Daytona Beach with all the Family
Beach trip with the Sullivans
Grandma's 89th Birthday
My Baby Sister's Wedding- Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Conrad
Easter 2008
Callaway Gardens- Valentine's Day Weekend
Jane's Shower at Jenny's house
Snow in January...Georgie loved it!
Disney Marathon- Scott's First Marathon

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Atlanta Half Marathon Race Report

I wasn't too sure how this year's Atlanta Half Marathon was going to do. As I've mentioned before, because I'm training a little different for this year's marathon than I did last year, I just haven't been confident that my overall fitness was as good right now as it was last year. this race I proved myself wrong!

The day started with the alarm clock going off at 5:00 AM. The race started at 7:00, but I needed some time to eat and digest and get to the start. I ate a couple of bananas at the house and took one with me. Drove to the Doraville MARTA station and rode the train down to the Chamblee station which is basically where the half marathon starts. Temperatures were in the 30's, so it was a little chilly. I wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt, my regular running hat and a pair of knit gloves that I had picked up from Wal-Mart the day before. I found during that 20-miler in 20-degree weather last weekend that I ran much better when my hands were warm.

I stood around at the start for about 20 minutes and then made my way to my corral. I was in the first corral, based on my predicted finishing time. I think that when I registered I had written an expected finish time of 1:45:00. Leading up to the race, though, I had decided that I would be satisfied if just beat my time from last year of 1:50:00. I really wasn't sure I had it in me to get those five minutes off my time.

When the gun went off, I headed off with the masses down Peachtree Street. Even though it was still very cold, it didn't take long to get warmed up and before I knew it we were at the 1-mile marker. I didn't feel like I was running a quicker pace than I typically run, so I was expecting my watch to tell me that I'd run the first mile in about 8-1/2 minutes. I glanced down and to my surprise my watch says 7:48. I'm thinking "Holy cow, I'm flying (for me) and I've got to slow down!" (Typical running mistake for inexperienced runners is to go out too fast with the crowds and then run out of steam before the finish) I knew I couldn't hold that pace for 13 miles, and I knew that I needed to slow down, and I thought that I did.

It wasn't too long until we were coming up on the 2-mile marker. I look down at my watch, and to my chagrin it tells me that I ran the second mile in 7:40...eight seconds faster than the first mile! This couldn't be right, but I convinced myself that since the first part of the course is downhill that I was gaining some advantage from that. Mile 3 came in around 7:42, Mile 4 at 7:40 and on we went. I really couldn't believe that I was maintaining that kind of pace. It is a good bit faster than I ever run in training, but it didn't feel faster. I just felt like I was in a groove.

At around the 7-mile mark they were handing out Sport Beans. This was great because I love Sport Beans, and I didn't have to carry any in my pocket. I grabbed a pack running by and then headed up Cardiac Hill in front of Piedmont Hospital. This is the toughest hill on the course, and is an infamous part of the Peachtree Road Race each summer. The mile that contains this hill and a slightly smaller hill just before it was my slowest mile of the race. I ran that mile in about 8:00. That amazed me, because that morning I didn't think 8:00 would be my fastest mile!

The last six miles of the course is a gradual incline as you head down Peachtree Street into downtown. But here is where I think my Stone Mountain running really helps me. I read all the time about how hard the hills on this course are, but they just didn't seem that hard to me. There are much bigger hills around Stone Mountain. I still figured that I would probably slow down some going up these hills, but I clicked off a couple more 7:40ish miles and even a 7:36 mile. I hit the 10-mile marker at 1:17:00. It doesn't take an actuarial degree to figure out that I could run the last 3.1 miles in 33 minutes and still beat my initial goal. I knew at that point that 1:45:00 was pretty certain and that I had a great chance of going even lower.

I tried hard to just to maintain a steady pace climbing the last couple of hills. I made the left had turn onto Mitchell Street, climbed the last real hill in front of the capital building - they call it Capital Punishment - and then made the last turn onto Capital Avenue and head toward the finish line at Turner Field. The last portion of the course is downhill, and when I started down that hill I gave it all I had. I hadn't looked at my watch in a while, so I wasn't exactly sure where I was in my total time, but as I approached the finish line I could see the Marathon Finish clock, and it read 1:10:something. The Marathon started 30-minutes after the Half started so I knew that I was close to finishing in 1:40:something. I sprinted across the finish line as the PA announcer called out my name, stopped my watch and looked down. It said 1:40:49. I was absolutely stunned. I really didn't think I had that kind of race in me, and seeing that time was one of the best feelings of my running "career." It was so much better than I thought I was capable of. Come to find out that it actually took me a couple of seconds after I crossed to stop my watch, so my official finish time was 1:40:43.

Final results: 710th Place out of 8,697 finishers

Besides just being really happy with my finish, this has given me a lot of confidence that I'm doing the right thing in my training. I was concerned that my running fitness wasn't as good as it was last year. Not only is it as good, it seems to be much better. The pace I ran this half marathon was only seven seconds per mile slower than the pace I ran my best ever 10K race, a race of less than half the distance of the half marathon, back in February and almost 20 seconds per mile faster than I ran the Peachtree Road Race in July! That makes for a great way to start Thanksgiving Day, and I think that I certainly earned my turkey.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Brickle Dip

Let the cooking begin... I am so excited about Thanksgiving and cooking this week. My cousin Stacey used to always make this dip, and I started making it several years ago. It is so good with green apples, and it is good to have around this time of year.

Brickle Dip

2 8-oz. pkgs. cream cheese, softened
1 c. brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 8-oz bag Heath toffee bar brickle
Green apples

Mix all ingredients, except apples. Refrigerate overnight. Cut apples just before serving.

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting Ready to Earn My Turkey

Well, I intended to try to update a little more frequently on my marathon training this fall, but the blog hasn't seen much action in the last couple of weeks. I figured with the Atlanta Half Marathon coming up on Thanksgiving Day, now would be a good time to update anyone who actually reads the blog on what I've been doing.

I've been pretty happy with the training plan so far, and except for last week - which was a step back week anyway (reduced miles for recovery) - I haven't missed any runs, yet. I took off this morning on my first of three 20-mile runs. The one thing that I felt would have helped me do better in my first marathon was to have run more 20-mile runs and built up my endurance better. The purpose of these long runs is have physical (physical endurance) and half mental (getting used to being on your feet that long). They are supposed to run at a pace slower than your actual race pace so that you don't injure yourself running fast all the time and to get closer to running closer to the actual time you would run the marathon, if that makes sense. So...this year's training plan has three 20-mile runs in it.

But back to this morning's run. It was cold. Real cold. Here was the forecast when I left the house:

Yeah...20 degrees. I decided that that was cold enough to break out the tights. Yeah, I'm not afraid to say it. I've got some cold weather tights...and yes, I wear shorts over them. The thermometer in the car said that it was 21 degrees when I started and 31 degrees when I finished. The water in my Nalgene water bottle froze sometime between the first and second loops around Stone Mountain. Total running time of 3 hours, so it was a good morning all around. Here is a shot of my Garmin 405 when I got done.

I'm going to go easy for the next few days and try to rest up a little for the half marathon on Thanksgiving Day. My main goal is just to do better than I did last year when I finished in 1 hour and 50 minutes. I think this will be a good test of my training program, even though it isn't ideal to do a 20-mile training run five days before a race!

Here's a rundown of my training so far this year compared to last year:

Total Miles Run to Date
2009: 325
2008: 248

Longest Run to Date
2009: 20 miles
2008: 15 miles

Most Miles in a Week to Date
2009: 47 miles
2008: 32 miles

Average Run Length
2009: 7.2 miles
2008: 6.0 miles

So...I feel pretty good about it all, and I am looking forward to the half marathon on Thursday. Maybe I'll blog a report on it over the weekend.

GT 41 - Miami 23

It started with the Ramblin' Wreck nearly running over a few of the thugs from Miami who were "praying" in front of the GT student section (not sure how you can pray and then get up and start jaw-jacking students, but that's what they do at the "U."), and ended with Tech literally running over Miami's defense with 472 yards of rushing offense.

Joy went to the game with me last night. We didn't take the camera, so no photos to prove it, but it was a fun, cold night on the Flats!

Can you smell the fear in Athens?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm just sayin'...

Take a few minutes and watch this...

Truly disappointing, but I'm not surprised. We'll have our chance again in 2012.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Great Read

I read this article from Dr. Mohler's blog this morning. Hope you find it encouraging!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


A few things to note:

1. I love Georgia Tech football.

2. I love listening to Wes Durham.

3. I was a freshman at Georgia Tech in the fall of 1992, FSU's first year in the ACC.

4. I was in the student section at Bobby Dodd Stadium in the fall of 1992, and I watched Charlie Ward and FSU come from behind in the fourth quarter to beat Georgia Tech.

5. I have been to every GT/FSU game at Bobby Dodd Stadium since that game and one GT/FSU game at Doak Campbell Stadium in Tallahasee.

6. I have NEVER seen Georgia Tech beat FSU.

7. I was sitting in the stands on Saturday, listening to Wes, certain that FSU was about to score the game clinching touchdown with about 45 seconds left in the game...certain that heartbreak was once again to be delivered by the 'Noles.

That being said, I could watch THIS video over and over and over...

(Sorry for the link...the video's creater has disabled embedding for some reason)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mymama's Birthday Weekend

We celebrated Mymama's 74th birthday this past weekend. (Mymama is my Dad's mother.) We had most of her family together on Saturday night at my Uncle David's house. We had steak, fried shrimp, scallops, and plenty of other sides for supper. We had a crowd! I spent Saturday night with Mymama and went to church with her. We ate at the Mexican restaurant for lunch on Sunday, and she loved her fried ice cream! Mymama is very special to me, and it is always fun to spend time with her!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Times...

We spent last weekend in Statesboro & Claxton with family. Jane drove up from St. Augustine, and we all went to the Georgia Southern football game on Saturday.

Beckham enjoyed the game!

My Dad is the official clock operator for the Georgia Southern home football games, so we were able to get a picture with him at half time.

Georgie is still trying to figure Beckham out. He gets pretty jealous when Scott holds him!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Aunt & Uncle Again!

Congratulations to my sister Julianna & Chris! They are expecting their first child in May. Scott & I will have another niece or nephew! We are very excited for them and praying for a safe pregnancy and healthy baby. This is the first ultrasound picture.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Marathon Training Update

The blog has been pretty quiet lately, but I promise we'll try to update a little more frequently. I thought this would be as good a time as any to post a little update on my marathon #2 training. I mentioned before that I'm using a different training program this time around. Last year I used Hal Higdon's Novice plan. This year I'm using a hybrid of his two Intermediate plans. There's a good bit more mileage in this plan, it schedules five runs per week versus four, and the distance of the long runs ramps up much quicker. Here's a little comparison of my training to date this year versus last year (through October 16):

2008 Total Miles Run: 102
2009 Total Miles Run: 120

2008 Longest Run to Date: 10 miles
2009 Longest Run to Date: 14 miles

2008 Most Miles in a Week to Date: 19 miles
2009 Most Miles in a Week to Date: 32 miles

2008 Average Run Length: 5.2 miles
2009 Average Run Length: 5.8 miles

I'll try to update the comparisons every few weeks. As an overall comparison, in my training last year I ran a total of 444 miles before the marathon. This year I should hit 444 miles in week 14 and should hit about 575 miles overall. Most marathon training plans work with the philosophy that improved performance comes primarily in increased training volume. My planned volume isn't even close to serious marathoners, but we'll see if it helps me finish faster than last year!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to Georgie...

Georgie turned 2 years old last Friday. He is growing up fast! He got a haircut on his birthday, so he is really cute.

Georgie loves to look out the windows at our house. I was having a hard time getting him to look at the camera.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This is nuts...

You've probably heard about the gas shortage in Atlanta over the last week or so. I've got a marginal understanding of why this has happened, and I believe that part of the cause of these long lines at the gas pumps is the "anti-gouging" rules in effect. When prices go up, people don't feel obligated to top off their tank when its 3/4 full, so there's more gas available. Supply and Demand. It is a basic economic principle. Regardless...the two times I've had to fill up in the last week-and-a-half, I've gone early in the morning, pulled right up to a pump and filled up. I haven't experienced anything like this (it is video of a line at a gas station in Alpharetta)...

Hopefully this is coming to an end this week!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mmmm...sweet potato casserole

For the first time in the 3-1/2 years that we've been married, Joy cooked me my all time favorite food in the whole world...sweet potato casserole.

Now, I don't just like any old sweet potato casserole. I like other sweet potato casserole's, but to be my favorite it has to be my mom's recipe that I think she got from an old friend. No marshmallows. No pecans. Just a nice, crispy brown sugar topping. Mmmmmmmmm...

And I have to say, Joy did an incredible job. This casserole was waiting on me when I got home from work on Friday afternoon, and it was gone by Sunday afternoon. She might have gotten a couple of bites, I don't know. What I do know is that it was delicious.

I love my wife!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Sandy!

We celebrated Mrs. Sandy's birthday last night with the family, but today is her birthday. We hope that she has a great day!

Mrs. Sandy- Thank you for all you do for us! We love you!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Good Read

Read this article for the real information about the current financial crisis. One candidate saw it coming and tried to do something about it. The other stuffed his pockets with contributions.

UPDATE: More good reading here.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our New Nephew

Beckham Gregg Jarrard was born this past Sunday morning, September 14th at 4:04 AM. He weighed 7 lbs 9oz, and he was 20 inches long. Scott & I were able to drive down early Saturday morning, and we were able to be there for his birth. He is precious, and we are so thankful for a healthy baby and safe delivery for Jenny. Jenny & Blair are doing well, and my sister Jenny is officially my new hero. I am so proud of her! She did great through it all. I was able to spend the first night with her, so we really had an experience!

Congratulations, Jenny & Blair!

I just wanted to mention that this picture was taken at 4:30 in the morning right after Beckham was born, and I had officially been up over 24 hours at this point!