Sunday, December 9, 2007

Marathon Update #6 - A New Personal Best

This is week 13 of my 18-week marathon training program. I'd modified the last couple of weeks in order to fit the Atlanta Half Marathon in, so last week was supposed to be a recovery week with a shorter long run on the weekend. This week was supposed to be an 18-mile long run, but I debated whether or not to cut it short since I'd done 16 last week. The 18-mile long run is the next to last long run in the program before I start the "taper" to the marathon. You gradually reduce mileage over the last couple of weeks in order to let your body recover some in preparation for the race.

When I left the house at 5:30, I still wasn't sure whether I'd do 14-miles or 18-miles. I'd drank a lot of water on Friday in preparation for a long run, and I grabbed a couple of bananas on the way out the door. It was an absolutely perfect morning for running. Hit the streets at Stone Mountain at about 6:00 and cruised the first lap. 4.8 miles down. I was feeling good so I didn't even stop for water. Second lap around wasn't too bad, and was about 1-minute faster than my first lap. 9.6 miles down. Grabbed a sip of water and some Sport Beans and headed back out.

The sun was coming up now, and I was starting to feel the miles but my legs were still feeling good. As I was finishing up the third lap, 14.4 miles, I had a decision to make. Stop or Run. I sipped some water, gave it a quick thought and said, "what the heck." About 41 minutes later I was finishing up my fourth lap around the mountain for a new personal best 19.2 mile run! That's over 2/3 the total distance of the marathon, so pounding out those miles is very encouraging. Next week will be a drop-back recovery week, and then my last long run of 20+ miles. Five weeks to go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have really enjoyed reading your marathon training log. You almost make running sound fun. When you get a minute, send me an email. I seem to have lost your address...