Friday, April 18, 2008

Julianna's recap of Jane's wedding

This is why I love my sister Julianna. She tells it like it is, and she is a great story teller. This is her recap of Jane's wedding that she shared with a friend.

"How was the last Usry wedding? Let's just say, we saved the drama for last. :) Hundreds of flowers froze to death the day before the wedding (which meant buy more and arrange them); it rained 40 minutes just before the wedding (which meant, get sides for the tent b/c the wedding was outside...but it did stop raining and we didn't end up needing the sides); jane left happy as a lark to go to the Dominican Republic but we found out in the early morning hours on Wednesday (Tuesday night) that she had gotten extremely dehydrated from a stomach infection (lots of vomiting) and was admitted into a hospital.... should I go on? :) Hunter's dad flew down yesterday, and she should be let out of the hospital sometime today. It was a blast! :) Other than stuff like this (which I think makes for great stories) everything went wonderfully; it was a beautiful wedding! "

By the way, Happy Birthday, Julianna! Love you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Joy; I'm having a good birthday. If I would have known you wanted to publish my comments, I might would have changed some of the wording and proofed it. Nevertheless, I'm glad you could use my thoughts. :)

Katy said...

glad to hear your sister is feeling better! the pictures turned out beautifully!