Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This is nuts...

You've probably heard about the gas shortage in Atlanta over the last week or so. I've got a marginal understanding of why this has happened, and I believe that part of the cause of these long lines at the gas pumps is the "anti-gouging" rules in effect. When prices go up, people don't feel obligated to top off their tank when its 3/4 full, so there's more gas available. Supply and Demand. It is a basic economic principle. Regardless...the two times I've had to fill up in the last week-and-a-half, I've gone early in the morning, pulled right up to a pump and filled up. I haven't experienced anything like this (it is video of a line at a gas station in Alpharetta)...

Hopefully this is coming to an end this week!

1 comment:

Betty Lou said...

Allen walked in as I watched the video, that's not a line for gas, is it? Thankfully the only 2 times I got gas (1st in his car which he can't yet drive solo -- no license) and finally mine last night, had no inconvenience. I did need air in a tire last Friday night and went by 2 QTs with lines longer than I cared to bypass. Sat at 7 a.m., rode around the cars at The Hilliards' QT [L'ville Hwy in Tucker] already in line for gas. Unbelievable!