Thursday, October 25, 2007

Joy Is Getting A Little Less Wise

In dental terms they are called the third molars, but we know them most commonly as "wisdom teeth." Why wisdom teeth? Apparently because they don't develop and enter the mouth until the teenage or young-adult years when a person is more wise. would seem that Joy has gotten too wise for her own good, and tomorrow her wisdom teeth are coming out.

Why do wisdom teeth have to be removed? According to those who know, the mouth is too small to accommodate the teeth, so they crowd the more important teeth up front. Of course, if you've ever seen Joy's cell phone bill you know that can't be the problem! (Just kidding, sweetheart)

Anyway, Joy's not too fond of words like "anesthesia" and "surgery," so even if it goes as smoothly as possible it won't be a fun experience for her. Of course, she's got a weekend of milkshakes and smoothies to look forward to. Keep her in your prayers tomorrow...she'll appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

Joy, good luck with your major surgery tomorrow. I still have three of my wisdom teeth, to which I attribute my amazing wisdom!

Hope your mouth is back in working order very soon.

yorks said...

Joy-I'll be praying for you tomorrow. Wes still has to get his out too! I had mine out in high school-the numbness feels weird and I'm sure Scott will laugh when your milkshake is all over your face and you won't feel it!

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